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The project seeks to promote sustainability in terms of environmental performance, affordability and social inclusion as an integrated part of social housing in India. The project will lead to the development of a Design Support Tool (DST) that will provide guideline at conceptual stage to improve the performance of the project. 


The applicability of the DST will be tested in two selected social housing projects to ensure that the environment, social and economic aspects in social housing are addressed and the proposed sustainable construction practices are implemented. 


  • To facilitate sustainability in social housing projects through the adoption of sustainable building materials and construction technologies by social housing providers such as Government bodies, private developers, building material manufacturers and architects.


  • To develop a policy framework for sustainable social housing with focus on operational energy use, judicious use of material and natural resources in construction, financial practices promoting sustainability and socio-economic considerations.



10 YFP Trust Fund

MaS-SHIP is funded under the 10 YFP Trust Fund which is one of the means of implementation of the Ten Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP) managed by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). It is used to support programmes and initiatives to shift towards SCP patterns that respond to the national and regional priorities of developing countries and countries with economies in transition. The 10YFP Secretariat coordinates the calls for proposals in close collaboration with the 10YFP programmes and the 10YFP Board.  



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